Pomegranates are one of my favorite fruits. They're sweet. They're tart. They're juicy. They're crunchy. They're so good for you. And... they are incredibly messy!
You don't eat anything from the pomegranate except the arils, or seeds. There are said to be exactly 840 arils in every pomegranate. Each one is loaded with dark red juice just waiting to stain any object within squirting distance (which is a surprisingly large area)!
If you have ever tried to get the arils out of a pomegranate, you know that once you start trying to remove the seeds, most of them will ultimately rupture and spray that juice everywhere. So, how do you get to all of that juicy goodness without ruining every surface within a ten foot range?
The secret is to very carefully cut the pomegranate into quarters and then submerge the pieces in a bowl of cold water in the sink. Use your fingers to gently remove the seeds from each of the quarters of the fruit, being sure to keep the one you are working on under the water.
Once all the seeds are removed, throw out the skin and use a colander to drain the water from the seeds. Ta-da! Simple and mess free!
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